Imagination is more important than knowledge.
– Albert Einstein
Our calling is where our deepest gladness meets the world’s hunger.
– Frederick Buecher
Consider that your imagination is real. It is a creative force. Our bodies can’t tell the difference between an actual event and one that is imagined. If you have a fear of heights and lean out over the railing to look down on the Grand Canyon your body will begin to feel a sense of panic, dizziness and butterflies in the stomach. Close your eyes and imagine the same scene in detail and you will feel the same visceral reaction to a fear of falling.
Consider that as the prophecies suggest with the start of 2013 we have entered a “New Age”, the age of Aquarius, and we have an opportunity to create a world of peace and harmony that works for everyone. “Just pretend” that it is possible. “Just pretend” is another way of saying” imagine”, because when we use our imagination we feel we are just making it up and that it has little to do with “what is real”. But what if imagination is more than that. What if through the force of imagination we can be the creator of our lives and our world. What if now is the time. What do you want to create for yourself, your community and the world at large. You can start with “just pretend” to begin to access your imagination and deeper knowing.