Oneness is a fundamental, creative force present in all life, empowered when individual consciousness recognizes and aligns with it.
When we experience oneness, we feel in the gut and in the heart that we are part of something beyond ourselves, that there is harmony and meaning in life, and that every human being and every aspect of existence is uniquely valuable. We live oneness through respect, compassion, cooperation, and creativity, which naturally support the most fundamental needs of life.
For centuries, oneness has been described as a spiritual experience and principle. In Taoism, oneness is the Tao, “the way” of life, which, like nature, has its own rhythms and patterns. Mahayana Buddhism trains its disciples to awaken from a solid, individual “self” into an infinite, intelligent oneness that is empty and compassionate. And in the New Testament, the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians describes “…one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in you all.”
Oneness as a spiritual ideal can seem daunting — as though we can only experience it after great effort. But oneness is not special — it’s special that we don’t live it more often. When we curb our natural response to help those in need, when we impose our will on nature instead of discovering how to work with it, when we choose to “get ahead” instead of finding meaning and dignity in our work — we undermine the natural, relational, and unifying power of oneness.
Most of us live oneness without even knowing it — in our private and family lives where we naturally seek and value empathy, care, love, and unity. But these same experiences, which create the foundations of our most important relationships, can also play a role in building the future structures of our global community.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
– Albert Einstein
Our calling is where our deepest gladness meets the world’s hunger.
– Frederick Buecher
Consider that your imagination is real. It is a creative force. Our bodies can’t tell the difference between an actual event and one that is imagined. If you have a fear of heights and lean out over the railing to look down on the Grand Canyon your body will begin to feel a sense of panic, dizziness and butterflies in the stomach. Close your eyes and imagine the same scene in detail and you will feel the same visceral reaction to a fear of falling.
Consider that as the prophecies suggest with the start of 2013 we have entered a “New Age”, the age of Aquarius, and we have an opportunity to create a world of peace and harmony that works for everyone. “Just pretend” that it is possible. “Just pretend” is another way of saying” imagine”, because when we use our imagination we feel we are just making it up and that it has little to do with “what is real”. But what if imagination is more than that. What if through the force of imagination we can be the creator of our lives and our world. What if now is the time. What do you want to create for yourself, your community and the world at large. You can start with “just pretend” to begin to access your imagination and deeper knowing.
Perception underpins all human behavior and helps interpret sensory information to make sense from the senseless. The brain, to create meaning where there is possibly none, processes perception from the unperceived and thought from the unthinkable. The process of perception is in fact one of creation. What we perceive is not what is out there or within. There is no inherent value in the incredibly complex patterns of light that fall onto our eyes, and yet we see coherent forms and motions that enable us to survive. Exploring the nature of perception can help us glimpse life beyond experiencer and experience, perceiver and perception.
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In the harsh environment of a Rhode Island men’s prison, a group of fifty inmates are transforming their lives through the practice of meditation. Path of Freedom follows former inmate Fleet Maull as he visits prison to share his strategies for surviving on the inside. The film offers a rare glimpse into the inner lives of men reaching for forgiveness, inner peace and freedom behind bars.
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Elemental tells the story of three individuals united by their deep connection with nature and driven to confront some of the most pressing ecological challenges of our time.
The film follows Rajendra Singh, an Indian government official gone rogue, on a 40-day pilgrimage down India’s once pristine Ganges river, now polluted and dying. Facing community opposition and personal doubts, Singh works to shut down factories, halt construction of dams, and rouse the Indian public to treat their sacred “Mother Ganga” with respect. Across the globe in northern Canada, Eriel Deranger mounts her own “David and Goliath” struggle against the world’s largest industrial development, the Tar Sands, an oil deposit larger than the state of Florida. A young mother and native Denè, Deranger struggles with family challenges while campaigning tirelessly against the Tar Sands and its proposed 2,000-mile Keystone XL Pipeline, which are destroying Indigenous communities and threatening an entire continent.