The limits of English language and going beyond.

Cosmic offer

by Autumn Antal

Soft driven, slow and mad like some new language. Reaching your head with the cold, sudden fury of a divine messenger.

— Jim Morrison

Knowing what we call reality is a holographic expression of infinite consciousness playing — and knowing you are That consciousness — here are some words about words,
just for fun:

English language demands duality to exist.
English is a language built on a foundation of opposition. This can result in unique mental dysfunction for native English speakers. [I know whereof I speak.] First among them is our profound fixation on judgement. Everything is black and white in a mind that thinks constantly in polarized English words. As a culture, we are close to losing the capacity for subtlety.

In reality, opposites are complementary. This nondual vision is known to the East and to some extent in Western culture. Yet, its simplicity is often its cause for dismissal by minds desiring complication. Not to fault the mind; the mind’s job is to measure and to divide input into little bits it “thinks” it understands. However, it does further to put the tool down when not in use. Human thought is not the speed limit of consciousness we think.

Repeated thoughts cut grooves in our neural net as physical and solid as a vinyl LP. A record that can play of its own accord once you lay down the tracks in your brain. Have you heard the loop? We often play the same pattern, the same old song over and over. Pretty or painful, it does not matter because while lost in the thrall of that old song — we miss now.

Based on my experience, some languages seem to take less of a mental toll on their native speakers than English. Yet in recent travels, I see deterioration of local ancient principles of unity and polarization of thought even in remote corners of the world. English has invaded as surely and relentlessly as kudzu.

The entirety of existence is a great mystery beyond any of our immaterial human definitions, labels, limits and morals. This knowing defeats the undisciplined mind’s very reason to exist and that is not acceptable to mind.

Mind can function without the crutch of language percolating though it incessantly. Few experience this thoughtless awareness. It takes discipline and discipline has become a bad word in English. We are bombarded by noise at every moment — and we are not culturally encouraged to be silent. It may take great strength to break free of cultural conditioning at first. However, once the game is named, there is no going back to original ignorance.

Even those of us who adore silence choose to speak on occasion. We humans are bound to language to facilitate communication until such a point the majority are functional telepaths. That state of communion does not appear to be forthcoming — so we speak!

Sanskrit is better for a language.
Some Sanskrit words have no English equivalent. It can take an entire book in the English language to explain a single Sanskrit word. You do not have to speak Sanskrit to benefit from it. Simply hearing the sound — or knowing that another means of expression is available — can be enough to short circuit the psychic/physical grip of dualistic English.

Sanskrit introduces vocabulary for many esoteric concepts: Advaita, Brahman, Bindu, Purnam, etc. The West is making some progress, with science seeming to lead the way in language beyond limitation. Many Sanskrit words have an equivalent term within the realm of Quantum Physics: Singularity=Bindu; Zero-Point Field=Brahman, the unmanifest potential from which all creation emanates to which it must return.

The Hindu god Shiva has a form of the cosmic dancer that can be seen as symbolic of atomic theory. Moreover, as the Lord of Dance, Shiva Nataraja dances the universe into creation and dissolution. The Big Bang is the start of Shiva’s dance in terms of Western science. Mahapralaya, the final dissolution of existence, is described as all creation being absorbed back into Shiva’s third eye — or Bindu or Singularity! A symbol is a symbol. Look deep and the correlations are clear.

Speaking reduces Being/Consciousness to a concept.
Yes, at one level this is true. Nothing can be said about That with any real meaning. THAT is simply beyond the scope of where language can go. That is why we often just refer to the all as That, with a capital T. Words are lumpy things, crude, not subtle at all. At times, I see words flying out of mouths with the solidity of a thrown stone.

Words can be seen as a vibrational form with a definite shape. Sound can be seen as solid at a certain frequency. You get a sense of that sonic solidity when you go to a rock concert and dance in front of an enormous speaker array. From another perspective, words have no meaning at all but for that which we ascribe to them. Sounds blurring into white noise of all sound that ultimately becomes silence.

Speaking without speaking.
It is possible to have speech come forth spontaneously. Not premeditated. It is a Zen state. Often, there is no recall of what is said. Words come out. You are a flow. Perfect expression comes forth with no effort to analyze, remember it or cling to it in any way. Natural, organic speech.

Degauss your mind.
A moment of determination, intent and strength of will can degauss [demagnetize] your mind. Blast away the constructs and chatter. — In the same way a magnetic burst cleans a recording head on a tape deck and returns it to normal bias. You can comb the tangles from your neural net and create new connections. This can happen in an instant or as you choose. Perfect silence. A new beginning. A new shape.

In my early efforts at verbal speech, before age three, I regularly used a personal pronoun he/she before naming certain things. I find it amusing to note these are common mistakes for an English as a Second Language [ESL] speaker coming from the Latin/Romance Languages. Was I really making a mistake or simply remembering how I had communicated in another body? No sé.

Move beyond the confines of limited language into disciplined attention. Then, the need for attention drops away into pure spontaneous expression of Being. Consciousness in the cosmic dance. Expansive. Free of human limits we have mistakenly projected on The All That Is.

Here is the abbreviated version of my Universe Meditation:

Feel YOU, your being extending beyond the body, beyond your home, beyond your city, beyond your country, beyond the planet, beyond the solar system, beyond our galaxy, beyond myriad galaxies, beyond all known existence, farther than the Hubble Space Telescope can see: IT IS ALL YOU.

Recline as Love, as Infinite Being in that fullness, purnam, complete — and know THAT is who you really are.

Om saha nāvavatu
saha nau bhunaktu
saha viiryam kara vāvahai
tejasvi nāva dhiitamastu
mā vidvishā vahai
Om shānti, shānti, shāntihi

Om Lord, protect us as one,
Nourish us Lord, as one,
Let us flourish in thy strength as one,
Let our knowledge be changed to Light
And change our hate to love.
Om peace, peace, perfect peace

For more see the Website from Autumn Antal here…

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